Posts Tagged ‘Hollywoodland’

2:05 pm

More movie outings

In the past week, I’ve seen Apocalypto and Hollywoodland. These were both listed as "VO" (i.e., subtitled rather than dubbed). Unfortunately, I forgot that, in the case of Apocalypto, the original was Mayan; fortunately, my French was up to the task of following along!

I was actually more impressed with Apocalypto than I expected to be. It was gory, but the gore didn’t have the pornographic glee of Gibson’s Passion of the Christ. It also dragged some, but I got caught up in the story and the fate of the characters.

I wasn’t all that taken by Hollywoodland. Affleck made a valiant effort, and maybe the script was at least partly to blame, but he came across as wooden, and didn’t convey Reeves’s charm. Neither was I convinced by Brody. Diane Lane, on the other hand, was very good, and I liked Spano and DeMunn (who played Strickling and Weissman, respectively).

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