Apropos of absolutely nothing at all, I ran across this on McSweeneys Internet Tendency, and I thought it was too good not to share.
Yurtdışında Yaşam
I'm finally satisfying a long-held dream of living abroad. I started with six months in France followed by two and half years in the Czech Republic. Now, I'm giving Turkey a try.
Archive for November, 2007
I’m not the only person who has recently traveled to Mariánské Lázně: this article recently appeared in the New York Times travel section. The author’s experience was very similar to mine.
I was really amazed when I came to Europe and found that every restaurant and cafe and even most pubs have these hand-held credit card scanners. It’s such a logical device: rather than a waiter taking your credit card away, and running the risk that (at best) it will be accidentally returned to another customer, the waiter brings the reader to you. Apparently, they’re just now starting to catch on in the US, at least according to this article from the New York Times.
There was a flurry of snow this afternoon. It didn’t last long, and it mostly melted as soon as it hit the pavement, but it was enough to dust Náměstí Míru and the Advent Market.
I feel so sorry for the merchants in those drafty little stalls!
The snow resumed this evening, and has been going off and on for the past couple of hours.
Incidentally, for those of you who may be wondering, yes, I have been wearing my coat. And frequently my hat and gloves. Sometimes even a scarf ’round my throat.
Well, it’s not quite Advent, but the Advent Market at Náměstí Míru has already started:
The most popular stalls are the ones selling hot wine and sausages:
I’m not seeing a lot of buying going on; most people seem content just to look, at least for now.
The big Advent Market will be at Old Town Square, but that isn’t set up yet.
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