1:30 pm

Visit to Montmartre and Sacré Cœur

I went out to pay my first visit to Montmartre & Sacré Cœur: this was my first visit ever, as I had never made it out this way on my earlier visit to Paris.

I wonder what the appeal of carousels is? They keep turning up on various plazas.


Sacré Cœur
Sacré Cœur, and Montmartre generally, was mobbed: I don’t know if it was because it was a Sunday or because of the holiday. I picked up a schedule of services, and saw that Vespers was to be sung at 4:00 PM, so I wandered out for a late lunch (at an overpriced crèperie) and came back a little before 4:00.

The notice about services mentioned that the Benedictines of St. Pierre de Montmartre are making their annual retreat right now, so they were singing. It was a lovely service. I thought about staying for Mass, but Vespers ended at 5, while Mass was scheduled for 6, and I didn’t want to linger that much longer.

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