While Sacré Cœur is a lovely church, it wouldn’t be way handy to attend it on a regular basis. Fortunately, there’s another parish just a few blocks away, Notre Dame de Clignancourt. I attended the Sunday evening Mass there this evening.
It looks as though there are no regularly scheduled ministers. Instead, there was a middle-aged lady who went among the congregation about 15 minutes before the liturgy began to recruit lectors (one for the first reading, one for the second reading, and a third for the prayers of the faithful) and people to take up the collection. I was one of the people recruited for the collection: I tried to demur, but she was having none of it. All I had to do was take my little basket up the center aisle and take the collection on the right and bring it to the back of the church. So I dutifully took up my share of the collection. And resolved *not* to show up early to Mass, at least not until I’m a little better settled in!